Publishing Guides
Dashboard Flow

Publish Google Docs to WordPress

Please make sure you have correctly setup your account before reading further.

Step 1

Login to your Docswrite (opens in a new tab) account and click on the Publish from Google Drive button on the top right corner.

Docswrite Publish from Google Drive

Step 2

A Google Drive Picker will open up. Select the Google Doc you want to publish to WordPress and click on the Select button.

You can multi-select Google Docs, select a Google Drive Folder to publish them all at once. You can also choose files from your Google Team Drive.

Docswrite Google Drive Picker

Step 3

A new modal will open where you would be presented with many options to customize your post. You can change the title, slug, publish date, categories, tags, and more.

Once you are done, click on the Publish or Draft button to publish/draft your Google Doc to WordPress.

Docswrite Publish Options

With docswrite, you can also automatically setup your post's Featured Image, Excerpt, SEO Title, SEO Description, and SEO Keywords. You can read more about them here.

Scheudle Google Docs to WordPress

You can schedule your Google Docs to be published at a later date. To do so, pick a publish date and time from the Publish Date option in the modal.

Docswrite Schedule Google Docs

Learn more about our Zapier Integration here.